About us
Considering the various types of vocational endeavors involving people, we have learned by sometimes troublesome experience that workplace Leaders need better information pertaining to employee discipline. The intent of our work is to help leaders feel empowered to lead and to provide them with the tools to do something about employees who wade in the muck of mediocrity or worse.
We hope to assist managers in truly becoming human developers, whether that means moving people UP in the organization or OUT entirely, regardless of the presence of any union and without fear of litigation.
Our creations will grant you with principles, guidelines, and rules. You will learn how to use progressive discipline to hold all types of employees accountable. It is our hope that these principles and guidelines will grant managers the opportunity to truly lead their departments to excellence.

Meet the Author: Steve Morales
Mr. Morales has fulfilled healthcare leadership roles for twenty years, mastering proven methods of progressive discipline as a leader in businesses with many unionized employees, including professionals, service, technical and clerical work groups. Opposing some of America’s most aggressive private sector unions, he successfully led the management of hundreds of failing employee UP or OUT of the company, defended against countless strikes and unfair labor practice charges, and settled an array of grievances in a cost effective manner while preserving above board labor relations. Mr. Morales travels teaching his methods to management groups across the nation.